Monday, October 15, 2007

Bent Pole

Bent Pole
Originally uploaded by flicknsee

My challenge has been met:
I created a free account in Flickr and used a digital camera to capture a few pictures of something around our community libraries. I uploaded these to my Flickr account and tagged at least one of the images “Queens Library” and marked it public. Then I created a post in my blog about my photo. I used Flickr's blog tool to blog and import the picture of a bent telephone pole outside one of our community libraries. This is what I see as I go about my business at each of our locations...


Sherwood said...

Very nice picture, I like it in black and white.

Sherwood said...

Oops, it is not black and white. There are some green bushes at the background. Still it looks great.

wantolearn said...

It was a grey day so it did look a little black and white!